The time has come to quit your job. Instead of simply turning in your two-week notice, have some fun with this momentous occasion by putting your own unique and memorable spin on it. This is not to say you have to completely burn your bridges with your employer. Rather, you can have some fun with your departure, ensuring your co-workers and workplace superiors remember you in a positive and funny light.
Tell Your Boss You are Quitting by Baking Him or Her a Cake
Bake a simple cake and spell out the words “I Quit” with the frosting or candy toppings. This informal notice will prove quite memorable, heightening the chances that your boss will give you a glowing recommendation the next time an employer calls the office for a reference check. Furthermore, the entire office can share the cake, ensuring you enjoy a positive sendoff and graceful transition away from your current employer to your next gig.
Quit by way of a Singing Telegram
Wouldn’t it be nice to tell your boss you are quitting in a truly artful manner? You can do exactly that by communicating the message to your workplace superior with a singing telegram. Hire a professional singer to show up and deliver the message with harmony and you will make it quite clear you are ready to depart for greener pastures.
The Toilet Paper Resignation
If you do not mind burning your bridge and truly detest your employer, simply write down “I Quit” on a piece of toilet paper and hand it to your boss. This creative resignation letter lets your office superior know exactly how you feel about your position and the company as a whole. The toilet paper is truly symbolic of your crappy experience at the business.
Make Your Resignation Public
Take out an ad in the local paper to publicize your resignation to everyone in town – including your boss. This approach will prove a bit costlier than others yet it will let everyone in town know you are looking for work. Furthermore, a public resignation makes it clear to other job-seekers your current employer is not the best place to work. The only downside is you jeopardize any type of positive reference your employer might have provided by publicizing your resignation in the local paper.
Create a YouTube Video
If you are looking to launch a career as a social media influencer, web content creator or video marketing specialist, put your A/V chops on display with a video resignation via YouTube. There is no need to heap on the criticism for your employer in the video. Rather, take a creative approach such as an interpretive dance to communicate your resignation complete with a descriptive caption below the video, making it clear you are submitting your two-week notice. Your YouTube resignation just might go viral, creating a bridge to your next gig, possibly in the field of content marketing.
Treat Everyone to a Happy Meal
There is no better way to garner the goodwill and glowing praise of coworkers and workplace superiors than treating them to a tasty lunch prior to submitting your two-week notice. Buy lunch for everyone in the office, announce your resignation and you stand a much better chance of being provided with a positive reference when other employers contact the office to get a sense of your work ethic and employment merits.