Sudoku is a popular Japanese number puzzle with a deceptively simple game of logic. Let us try and understand some basic Sudoku tips for beginners.
Sudoku is enjoyed by players all over the world. Beginners can easily learn this game. However, mastering it is a challenge. It involves merely placing numbers 1 to 9 in the correct boxes. The tips and hints are the rules of the game. In the puzzle, there is a 9×9 grid, which is made up of 3×3 sub-grids. Initially there are some numbers present in these grids and the puzzle gets solved when you place the right number in the right box. Still confused? Let’s take a look at a few Sudoku tips for beginners.
Tips and Tricks
- The basic rules must be understood before you start playing this game. In this game, we have to place one digit in each cell of the 3×3 grid. The numbers which you place in the cells must appear only once in the 3×3 grid and in the vertical and horizontal row to which it belongs. This means that the number which you have entered must appear only once in the respective row and column.
- The game is quite challenging and if you are a beginner, you can start up with a mini 4×4 grid. This will give you ample practice for a 9×9 grid.
- One of the most important tips for solving the puzzle is to use a pencil to solve the puzzle. A pencil will help you in the initial stages when you are analyzing the placement of the numbers within the grid. An eraser will ease your job in that case.
- The next tip is cross hatching. Cross hatching the respective rows and columns can help you find out the number unique to that grid. Cross hatching will help you to keep a check on the numbers which you are entering in the cells.
Trial and Error
The trial and error strategy is widely used to solve jigsaw puzzles. In the same way, trial and error can be used to solve Sudoku. In this method, you select a number and then cancel it if it does not fit according to the rules. For this, you must play with a pencil and an eraser.
In bifurcation, those cells are chosen which have only two possible answers. It is similar to the trial and error method, but you have to attempt only those cells which have only two possibilities of answers. The other strategies of bifurcation are XY wing and color wing which are very similar.
Unique Answers
Sudoku is a puzzle of numbers and numbers relate to mathematics, and the problems in mathematics have a unique solution. Therefore, the answer to the puzzle must remain unique.
These puzzles are some of the best printable travel games. They come in different levels of difficulty like easy, medium, and difficult. Although, there are tricks for solving every puzzle, but Sudoku needs practice, a lot of it. And remember, practice makes a man perfect.