These who am I riddles are fun for both adults and children. Go through them, and put your puzzle solving abilities to test…
I have a question. But I’m also the question. The right answer is only one, but it’s rarely the answer you have. I can beleaguer, entertain and frustrate most to the ends of their tether. I’m rarely found on your nightstand, yet I’m always on everyone’s tongue. The more vague I act, the happier the asker is. The dull have no hold over me, the smart have only but a flimsy grasp of my true nature. I enjoy it when you fiddle and twiddle and stop to ponder in the middle. So, who am I? A Riddle! I am the very collection of brilliant wordplay you’re about to read…
Can be captured, cannot be held,
No throat, but can be heard.
Who Am I?
I serve by being devoured,
Thin, I am quick,
Fat, I am slow,
Wind is my foe. Who am I?
No one ever saw me, nor ever will,
And yet I am the confidence of all,
To live and breathe on this terrestrial ball.
Who am I?
Fear more than death or mortal strife
What the poor have, the rich require,
and what contented men desire,
What the miser spends and the spendthrift saves
And all men carry to their graves?
Pondering over a set of words, and trying to decipher the hidden meaning in them is an activity most people enjoy. I enjoy riddles, not just because they are fun to figure out, but also because they take me back to my childhood, where new riddles and trick question were always asked with much glee. In a world filled with conformity, riddles give you the chance to think out of the box, and sometimes jump start those idling gray cells. Apart from being a good way to occupy time when we are alone or traveling, they are also very good for the development of the mind. Studies have shown that puzzles and problem solving among other activities, stimulate the brain can cause the brain to grow and also reduce chances of memory loss later. So go grab a book of riddles and have fun!