When you and your friends are trapped in a mind-numbing party, then what’s your idea of blowing some life into it? Well, mine is to start a round of some cool and funny trivia questions and answers. So, why don’t you try it too..?
Trivia questions, despite their label of triviality, can be interesting, especially the ones which shell out strange and bizarre facts. For instance, if you like playing cards, then have you ever noticed anything unusual about some of the kings? The king of hearts is the only one without a mustache, the king of diamonds holds an ax for a sword, and the king of spades is the only one looking to the right – trivial but interesting, won’t you agree? The trivia questions and answers you will find below, will not only raise your eyebrows, but their comical side will get you laughing, as well. So, enjoy answering them, and yes, no peeking at the answers until you give it a shot!
*Click on the “Answer” for the answer.
Trivia Questions for Kids
Trivia Questions for Adults
*The questions and answers presented above, have been collected from multiple sources on the Internet, and are not the production of the author.
That would be all for some cool and funny trivia questions and answers, for now. In case, if you stumble across some more of such fun questions, do share them with us.