The raison d’etre of youth groups is to embed positive ideas, values, and faith in young people and lead them to the path of righteousness paved by Jesus. For a purpose this noble, we reckon groups like these need unique names that suggest the same. This Plentifun article gives 41 creative name suggestions for your youth group.
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have eternal life. ―John 3:16 (American King James Version)
You may have come across a youth group whose name didn’t dovetail with the principal idea of community groups; the ones that make you think, “what were they thinking?” We are sure you don’t want others to go through the same experience when they see your youth group’s name on a flyer or facebook page. Also, the name you choose for your youth group is invariably linked to the Church your group is functioning under, so it is incumbent on you to display some sensibility. Not to forget, youth groups are a great way to connect with your Christian friends and grow with them as a person and spiritually. Your group’s name doesn’t have to be stark solemn, even God doesn’t want us to be serious all the time, so your group’s name can be funny, but of course, in a tasteful and relevant way.
Likewise, when brainstorming for name ideas, do remember to keep things crystal clear from the start – the most important being, a purpose-driven name. Only when you start with clarity, will you have your group’s name sewn up by the end and without any doubt or unnecessary disagreements (dealing with young people can be akin to walking on eggshells, so the leader needs to handle things more responsibly). Also, remember to keep the name short, simple, and timeless. Refer to the following creative selection of youth group names and expect to get more ideas.
Creative Youth Group Names
After Christ Forever
Infantry of the Christ
The Chosen Ones
Alive and Abiding
J.S.D (Jesus Sons and Daughters)
Aficionados de Jesus
B.B.F (Bound By Faith)
Absolute Affection
Maker’s Backers
Cohort of the Christ
A2G (Adulthood to Godhood)
Rendezvous With Jesus
Glory Bound
CoC (Clique of Christians)
Hope Kindlers’
Plugged into Christ
Moral Morphosis
Purpose 31 (related to psalm 31)
Teens of the Lord
Soul Fuel
The Resurrection Inc.
Youth Momentum
F.O.G (Force of God)
The Anointed Ones
Strengthened Nerves
Mission Possible: God’s Protocol
0 Gravity
LOL (Lord Only Loves)
Lord’s Legion
David’s Den
OMG (O Mighty God)
Teen Questers
Also, do remember to run your name selection up the flagpole, that is to your elders, parents, pastors, and ministry. In case the name sounds frivolous or slightly cheesy, they’ll let you know and it’s always better to know from them than have people think of it as another addition to lameness. Good Luck.