A quiz is an amazing fun game to play with family and friends. The question and answer format of the game makes us think hard for the correct answers. But what if the answer is already given to you and you have to guess the question! That’s what the Jeopardy game is all about. Does this change in format make the game easy? Read on to find out as we explain to you the rules to play this game.
Merv Griffin is credited with creating the game Jeopardy. It was his wife Julann’s idea to turn the question-answer format upside-down. She suggested to provide the players with answers and ask them to guess the questions.
The American game show Jeopardy! was first aired in 1964. Over the years, different versions of the game were aired. The 31st season of the daily syndicated series of Jeopardy premiered on September 15, 2014.
If you have fun watching the game, imagine the fun you will experience playing it! Yes, you can play this game at home, office, or school, and we tell you how. Here are the Jeopardy game rules that will help you set up this game.
The host is a person who introduces the game and players to the audience. He has responsibilities like starting the game, explaining the categories on the board, reading out the clues, and stating if the players are right or wrong. In case of an incorrect answer, the host needs to read out the correct one to everyone. The host should have key cards in his hands (carrying the correct answers), from which he can read them out.
The scorekeeper of the game is responsible for keeping the scores. He will need to add or subtract points for each team based on their correct or incorrect answers.
Game Operator
The game operator has the responsibility of operating the game board. If the game is being played with a PowerPoint presentation, for example, the game operator will change the slides. If the game board is handmade, the game operator will control the cards on the board.
Six teams with 2 players each, are ideal for the game. A lectern or a stand should be given to each team to give the game a feel of the actual TV show.
The TV game has a big screen to show the categories and clues. However, you can create the same effect using a board. Prepare three boards for the three rounds; Jeopardy, Double Jeopardy, and Final Jeopardy.
Creating a grid-like structure on the boards will make it easier to understand. Boards for the first two rounds will have six categories each. The categories can vary in subject from history, literature, and cinema, to general knowledge.
Under each category, there will be 5 clue values ranging from $100 to $500 points for the Jeopardy board and $200 to $1000 points for the Double Jeopardy board. Small cards should be made with clues written on them. They should be stuck face down in the appropriate columns. There will be 30 clues on both the boards.
The third board will not reveal anything other than the name of the round i.e. Final Jeopardy. The board will have only one category and just one clue. These cards should be placed face down on the board.
One clue from the first board and two from the second should be selected for Daily Doubles. However, nothing should be written on the clue cards that will give anything away to the players. They should be normal clue cards, but the teams will have to wager their points before answering.
PowerPoint Presentation
For the PowerPoint presentation, create three slides for the three rounds. Like the handmade board, each game slide will have a grid with categories and values. Each value slide when clicked, should lead to the slides that give the clues to the players. The slides should be linked to make the navigation easy.
- A team will be chosen randomly to select a category and the value. For example, a team might say “Animal $200,” which means that they have selected the animal category and the $200 clue value card.
- The clue, which is in the form of an answer, will be read out.
- After listening to the clue, the teams will get 10 seconds to discuss their answer.
- The team that presses the buzzer or raises their hand first, will get a chance to answer.
- The answer should be in the form of a question.
- If that team answers correctly, the value of that clue is awarded to the team.
- If the team gives an incorrect answer, those points will be subtracted from their score, and another team will get the chance to answer.
- The round continues till all the 30 questions are answered.
- The team with the lowest scores starts this round and selects a category.
- The rest of the round is played like the first one.
- For the first two rounds, three clue cards are selected to be considered as Daily Doubles.
- When a team selects the Daily Double card, that team will be the only one to answer.
- That team has to wager points before answering to the clue.
- If the team answers correctly, the amount that it had risked, adds up in their score. For an incorrect answer, the points get subtracted from their score.
- Before playing the third and the last round, teams that have zero or minus points will be eliminated from the game.
- The host will then reveal the category for the round.
- The remaining teams get 10 seconds to decide how many points they will wager.
- The number can be anything from $100 to any amount that they have already won.
- The host will provide blank cards to the teams on which they will write the points they want to risk.
- Then, the host will read out the clue and the teams will need to write the answers in a question format on their card.
- The host will collect all the cards and read out the wager and the answers.
- The teams with the correct answers will get those many points added to their score. However, teams with the wrong answers will get those many points subtracted from their score.
- In the end, the team with the highest score wins the game. If there is a tie, the Jeopardy rule for a tie is to declare both the teams as winners.
Keeping these Jeopardy rules in mind, this game can be played at home, for an office party, or as a variation in a quiz competition at school. Happy quizzing!