Here is a list of scrabble two-letter words acceptable worldwide and established by the Official Scrabble Players Dictionary. Read through these short scrabble words that are more than just useless babble.
As language evolves and is embraced by the masses, words that we thought unacceptable once upon a time, become a part of it officially. Similarly, the game of Scrabble has evolved and accepted two-letter words that earlier sounded like gibberish.
These words, some of which are proper nouns, are included in the fourth edition of the Official SCRABBLE Players Dictionary, published in 2005. So if you need a game-changer and think you don’t have enough letters to do it, here’s a list of words that will help you turn the tables and probably help you win. If not, at least they give you a chance to use up your letters without having to pass a turn.
So here’s a printable list that you can keep with yourself every time you’ve challenged a buddy to a game of Scrabble.
*Click on the list to print it.
AA (-s) –
(n.) Basaltic lava that is rough and has a frothy texture
AB (-s) –
(n.) The abdominal muscles
AD (-s) –
(n.) An advertisement
AE –
(adj.) One (Scottish origin – used in place in of ‘an’)
AG (-s) –
(adj.) Relating to agriculture; (v.) To agitate (slang)
AH –
(interj.) A term used to express delight, relief, or contempt
AI (-s) –
(n.) A three-toed sloth
AL (-s) –
(n.) An East Indian tree
AM –
Present 1st person sing. of ‘be’
AN –
Indefinite article – used before words that begin with vowels
AR (-s) –
(n.) the letter R
AS –
(adv.) Comparative; (conj.) Connector; (prep.) Descriptive
AT –
(prep.) In the position of, expressing location
AW –
(interj.) Used to express protest, disgust, disbelief, or disapproval
AX (-ed, -ing, -es) –
(n.) A type of cutting tool; (v.) To work on with an ax
AY (-s) –
(n.) Aye
BA (-s) –
(n.) The eternal soul in Egyptian mythology
BE –
(v.) To exist or have actuality
BI (-s) –
(n.) Bisexual
BO (-s) –
(n.) A pal/buddy
BY (-s) –
(n.) A pass in certain card games; (prep.) Identifying the agent performing an action; (adv.) To go past
DE –
(prep.) Of; From – used in names
DO (-s; -es) –
(n.) The first tone of the diatonic music scale; (v.) To perform an action
ED (-s) –
(n.) Education
EF (-s) –
(n.) The letter F
EH –
(interj.) Used to express doubt or to ask for something to be repeated
EL (-s) –
(n.) An elevated railroad or a train running on an elevated railroad
EM (-s) –
(n.) The letter M
EN (-s) –
(n.) The letter N
ER –
(interj.) Used to express hesitation
ES (-es) –
(n.) The letter S (also spelled ESS)
ET –
(v.) A dialect past tense of EAT
EX (-es) –
(n.) The letter X; (n.) Used to refer to a person in a former relationship with oneself
FA (-s) –
(n.) The fourth tone of the diatonic musical scale
FE (-s) –
(n.) A Hebrew letter
GO (-es, -ing) –
(v.) To move along
HA (-s) –
(n.) A sound of surprise, joy or triumph
HE (-s) –
(n.) A male person; (pron.) Referring to a male person
HI –
(interj.) A greeting
HM –
(interj.) Used to express thoughtful consideration or when pondering
HO –
(interj.) Used to express surprise, admiration, triumph
ID (-s) –
(n.) A primary part of the human psyche
IF (-s) –
(n.) A possibility; (conj.) Introducing a conditional clause
IN (-s, -ned, -ning) –
(v.) To harvest; (prep.) Used to express something that is enclosed by something else; (adv.) Used to express movement so that something is enclosed by something else; (n.) a position of influence
IS –
(v.) Present 3rd person singular of BE
IT –
(pron.) Used to refer to something mentioned previously, or something that is easily identifiable
JO (-es) –
(n.) A sweetheart
KA (-s) –
(n.) The source of life powers given to man from the Gods in Egyptian mythology
KI (-s) –
(n.) The circulating energy in Chinese philosophy that is present in everything
LA (-s)
(n.) The sixth tone of the diatonic musical scale
LI (-s) –
(n.) A Chinese unit of distance
LO –
(interj.) Used to draw attention or express surprise
MA (-s) –
(n.) Mother
ME –
(pron.) The objective case of the pronoun I; used to refer to oneself
MM –
(interj.) – Used to express assent or satisfaction
MO (-s) –
(n.) A moment
MU (-s) –
(n.) A Greek letter
MI (-s) –
(n.) The third tone of the diatonic musical scale
MY –
(pron.) The possessive form of the pronoun I; used to indicate ownership
NA –
(adv.) No; not
NE –
(adj.) Born with the name of (also NEE)
NO (-s, -es) –
(n.) A negative response
NU (-s) –
(n.) A Greek letter
OD (-s) –
(n.) A hypothetical power of nature
OE (-s) –
(n.) A whirlwind off the Faeroe Islands
OF –
(prep.) Coming from; expression of relationship with an object/person
OH (-s, -ed, -ing) –
(v.) To exclaim in surprise, pain, or desire
OI –
(interj.) Used to call out to someone, or to express dismay or pain
OM (-s) –
(n.) A mantra used in contemplation of ultimate reality
ON (-s) –
(n.) The side of the wicket where a batsman stands in cricket; (prep.) in physical contact with
OP (-s) –
(n.) A style of abstract art
OR (-s) –
(n.) The heraldic color gold; (conj.) used to present alternatives
OS (-s) –
(n.) A bone; an opening to a passage
OW –
(interj.) Used to express sudden pain
OX (-es, en) –
(n.) A bovine animal; a clumsy person
OY –
(interj.) See ‘OI’
PA (-s) –
(n.) A father
PE (-s) –
(n.) A Hebrew letter
PI (-ed, -eing, -ing, -es, -s) –
(v.) To jumble or disorder; (n.) The sixteenth letter of the Greek alphabet
QI (-s) –
(n.) See ‘KI’
RE (-s) –
(n.) The second tone of diatonic musical scale
SH –
(interj.) Used to urge silence
SI (-s) –
(n.) The syllable naming the seventh (subtonic) note of any musical scale in solmization; (n.) A complete metric system of units of measurement for scientists; (n.) A tetravalent nonmetallic element;
SO (-s) –
(n.) The fifth tone of the diatonic musical scale; (adv.) to the extent or degree; in an indicated manner
TA (-s) –
(n.) An expression of gratitude
TO –
(prep.) In the direction of
TI (-s) –
(n.) The seventh tone of the diatonic musical scale
UH –
(interj.) Used to express hesitation
UM –
(interj.) Used to express hesitation or when pondering
UN (-s) –
(pron.) One
UP (-s, -ped, -ping) –
(v.) To raise; (prep.) A higher position
US –
(pron.) The objective case of the pronoun ‘We’; Used to refer to a speaker along with one or more people
UT (-s) –
(n.) The musical tone C in the French solmization system, now replaced by ‘do’
WE –
(pron.) Used to refer to a speaker along with one or more people
WO (-s) –
(n.) Woe
XI (-s) –
(n.) A Greek letter
XU (-s) –
(n.) A monetary unit of Vietnam
YA –
(pron.) You
YE –
(pron.) You
YO –
(interj.) Used to call attention or express affirmation
ZA (-s) –
(n.) A pizza